I never knew how much I would miss my Sony Handycam MiniDV camcorder (it even had a 4.5″ monitor with touchscreen controls). It was sweet. I write in the past-tense because back in December (right before Christmas) someone broke into my wife’s office at our church in Kansas City and STOLE IT! It still had footage on it that I hadn’t dumped, yet.
Anyway, I’m a bit over it now. I guess whoever stole it needed it more than I did 😕
That said, I am offering those of you who are turning over your camcorders and video cameras a place to send your old one as you get your new, fancy, high-tech models … me.
Yeah, it’s a shameless plea to get back into the game with video. So, if anyone is looking for something to do with either their personal video camera or their church’s video camera since you’ve upgraded to the latest and greatest, well, look no further than right here.
Oh, and I know “beggers can’t be choosers,” but as long as the camera has a DV output, we’re good.
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