Our New Mode of Transportation
Well, this house was the last one we looked at … and the owners were open to a lease/purchase option … so we did it. Awesome! Now, we’ve been putting everything we can into saving for our down payment for our closing in June. Great, that’s going well also.
A couple of weeks ago our 1999 Olds Silhouette van (190K miles) decided to have a master transmission failure. Great. Well, at least we have our 1995 Chevy Blazer (202+K miles) to get us by for a few months … until yesterday … when its transmission failed. Jen was coming up to speed on the highway, about to shift to third and when it did – REVVVVVVV – no gear engaging. I drove it later when she got home, same thing for me. 30 MPH on the highway isn’t good.
Compound that on top of the power steering pump that was already out, and the crack in the exhaust manifold and the A/C that’s been out since around 2006, and I think the Blazer just sealed its fate in the scrap-yard.
I get it, there are many more travesties going on … [sarcasm] like the NC mom who failed as a mother because she couldn’t provide her son with high speed internet [/sarcasm] < -- not to mention her son was in COLLEGE where high speed internet was already available to him ... wait, how did we function as a society before 1990? But, I digress.
As I was saying, i know there are greater travesties, but these travesties are what are affecting my world.
What’s affecting yours?
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